Hypnotherapy is a safe, proven, and effective tool for bypassing the conscious mind and directly accessing the power of the subconscious mind, allowing us to explore the subconscious programs that are really running our lives.
Hypnotherapy isn’t mystical or magical and definitely not like the “stage hypnosis” you may have seen. Your conscious mind will never let you do or say under hypnosis anything you are not comfortable with. You may be surprised to learn that most people enter a hypnotic state many times during the day, for example when you drive your car and get to your destination without consciously being aware of the drive. Or being totally absorbed in a movie. The difference is, in hypnotherapy, you are safely facilitated and guided to access your subconscious programs and memories for the benefit of healing.
The brand of Hypnotherapy I do is called Hypnoenergetics. It differs from more traditional hypnotherapy in that it works to uncover the source and ‘core belief’ that keeps a person within a particular negative habit, addiction, emotion and more. Hypnoenergetics, uncovers the reason behind an issue and supports the client to gain insight into the reason for its existence, then offers releasing mechanisms for profound healing to take place. This allows for a shift in energy and behaviour in the most effective and empowering way.
Similar to traditional hypnotherapy, a client would experience being in a very relaxed state where the subconscious mind is accessed, holding the energy from all past experiences. Unlike most traditional hypnotherapy, however, we do not use scripts, as we follow the client’s lead to track the source of the negative/ detrimental beliefs that is usually attached to a past event and an emotion that was negatively felt at the same time. For this reason, a session can take between 2 1/2 to 3 hours, however, as it accesses the core and source of the reason for the detrimental emotion or behaviour, fewer sessions are usually required.
How many sessions you need though, will depend on the issue and your progress. Most people usually only need 1 or 2 sessions.
Why would I see a hypnotherapist?
If you think of the analogy of the iceberg, what you see above the water is only a very small amount of the whole iceberg, this is very similar to our behaviour. We really only have 5-10% conscious awareness of why we behave the way we do, 90-95% is below our conscious awareness. Hypnotherapy is a fantastic modality for uncovering and healing subconscious programs, attitudes, beliefs and emotions that sabotage and keep us stuck from moving on and reaching our full potential, or gaining the goal we consciously want to achieve.
It is a proven useful therapy in helping;
Stress and trauma
Anxiety and depression
Emotional pain and discomfort
Fears and phobias
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Drug and alcohol addictions
Food and weight issues
Quit smoking
Sleep disturbances
Confidence and performance
Session Fees
Sessions can now be provided online
$250 for 2 1/2 to 3 hours
quit smoking session are $450, includes a free initial consultation and 2 X 1 1/2 hour sessions one week apart.
For more information or to book a session call 0427249335