Self Esteem and Confidence
“The biggest stresses on human beings are emotional ones and the biggest one of all is trying to be who we are not”
Hans Selye
Or alternatively, not feeling comfortable or confident to be who we are meant to be.
Self-esteem can be defined as the opinion you have about yourself. Some people have positive self-esteem, they like themselves and value their achievements. Others, think critically of themselves, putting themselves down to either themselves or other people, devaluing their self-worth.
Our self-esteem or the perception we have about ourselves begins in early childhood. Significant others such as parents, teachers, siblings, friends and the media can have a positive or negative influence by the messages they give us. This can be overt in the form of abuse, criticism or bullying or it can be subtle such as being left out. We may compare ourselves to more perceived perfect individuals displayed in magazines and social media, or trying to live up to our own or someone else’s unrealistic expectations.
These experiences leave us with a belief that we are not good enough or worthy enough.
Stress and trauma can also negatively impact self-esteem.
Low Self Esteem can lead to:
Experiencing feelings of inadequacy
Comparing yourself negatively to others
Hiding away from social situations
Avoiding trying new things
Feelings of fatigue, headaches and insomnia
Considering your opinions and ideas valueless
Avoiding things, you find challenging
People with low self-esteem can often feel unlovable, incompetent and awkward and it can be the leading cause of anxiety and depression.
Self Confidence
Is trusting that you can achieve something.
Or the “degree of certainty individuals possess about their ability to be successful” Vealy
This can be greatly influenced by a person’s self-esteem
Hypnosis can help you to:
Acknowledge your worth
Create your inner self-confidence
Repair your self-image
Quiet your inner critic
Heal underlying core beliefs that have been manifesting
Heal past traumas
It can help you tap into the natural confidence you were born with and help you recognise that you can believe in yourself and that you have worth.
“Finding Your True Self” package contains a series of 3 hypnosis sessions plus 2 recordings, tools and resources. The cost of this package is $450
Call today for a consultation 0427 249 335