TRE -Tension Releasing Exercises
TRE stands for Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises. These exercises evoke a Self-Induced Therapeutic Tremor (SITT) in the body which discharges stress or tension accumulated from; difficult situations, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, and/or traumatic life experiences (i.e. natural disasters, social or domestic violence) or everyday circumstances (i.e. school exams, job stress, financial concerns, etc)
Developed by David Bochelli PhD, it is being used by thousands of people around the world as an effective tool for releasing everyday stress and anxiety, physical/muscular tension, and the reduction of psycho-emotional stress.
When we are faced with a stressful experience and/or traumatic event, the body goes into protection mode by contracting deep muscles in the body designed to provide protection to help it survive the stressful or traumatic event. Once the stressful event is over, it is essential to release this chronic tension pattern to help prevent the development of physical pain and muscular constrictions and associated ailments. The body’s nervous system is designed to literally shake out deep muscular tension patterns and help the body return to its normal relaxed state, however, due to our over-emphasis on the mind, we have constricted this shaking mechanism so that it no longer has the opportunity to naturally reduce muscular tension and return our bodies to a healthy, relaxed state.
Through a series of exercises that stretch or load the muscles that are implicated in the survival response, you can self-induce this almost effortless, natural, sustained neuro-muscular vibration or shaking mechanism to help the body come back to homeostasis.
The video below explains and demonstrates the exercises which you can teach yourself to help relieve stress. For more complex trauma or difficulty doing the exercises, it is advised that you seek a certified provider that can step you through the exercises to ensure you don’t have any complications.
By doing TRE we reactivate this natural releasing mechanism with often immediate and profound results.
Reported Benefits Include:
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Improved Marital Relationships
Less Workplace Stress
Better Sleep
Less Relationship Conflict
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Increased Flexibility
Greater Emotional Resiliency
Decreases Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma
Healing of Old Injuries
Lessened Anxiety surrounding Serious Illness
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
TRE can be taught individually or in groups.
Session Fee
Individual 1-hour session $110. This can be done in person or online.
Group sessions are dependent on the number of people
To book a session or for further information contact 0427249335