What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic complementary health therapy, grounded in anatomy and physiology, combining ancient, eastern science and western muscle monitoring, including aspects of well-known practices such as chiropractic, acupuncture, nutrition and counselling.

Through testing the integrity of muscles in the body, a Kinesiologist can assess where stress and imbalances are located and more importantly, their possible underlying causes. Kinesiology does not treat named diseases, nor does it diagnose them, it is concerned with imbalances in the body’s energy system that may cause certain symptoms.
An imbalance may be emotional, structural, nutritional, chemical, psychological, or energetic in nature. By correcting these imbalances the innate capacity of the mind and body to heal itself is facilitated. Profound changes may be experienced emotionally, mentally and physically, thereby increasing a person’s health and wellbeing. When our system is functioning well, we feel well.

Not just limited to dealing with ailments, kinesiology is a tool that allows you to enhance your performance in every aspect of your life, including goal setting, sport, relationships, learning and wellness.

How does kinesiology work?

A Kinesiologist uses muscle testing to find stresses in the body. This is generally achieved on a massage table, fully clothed, although can also be achieved in sitting or standing if that is more comfortable.

The Kinesiologist uses slight pressure on various muscles to get a response from the body, which will indicate where there is an imbalance or stress. Rebalancing the body’s energies can be done through a variety of physical and energetic techniques including; spinal reflex massage, neuro lymphatic massage, massaging acupuncture points, brain integration activities, nutritional support, essences and oils just to name a few. A session can be 90 minutes for new clients and 60-75 minutes for existing clients. Children’s sessions are usually shorter.

Why would I go to a kinesiologist?

The main aim of Kinesiology is to aid the body to restore balance, wellness and vitality.
Kinesiology can help with:

  • Stress and trauma

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Pain management

  • Behaviour difficulties

  • Learning difficulties and Brain integration

  • Digestive issues

  • Fatigue and Sleep problems

  • Fears and phobias

  • Goal setting

  • Emotional issues

  • Personal growth

Session Fee

$110 for 90 minute sessions
For further information or to book for a consultation contact 0427249335

  • “I thoroughly enjoyed my kinesiology session with Treena. I felt incredibly comfortable talking to her about my issues and felt like I left with clarity, energy and focus. I highly recommend Treena.”

    E Jacobs