Achieving Your Weight Goals

Are you sick of yo- yo dieting? Going from one diet to another – losing weight only to put it back on again when you stop your diet?

Have you always struggled with weight throughout your life, particularly as middle age approaches?

I have no doubt that you will have tried every diet out there, every passing fad and each celebrity-endorsed product. Only to find that NONE of them work.

Achieving your desired weight goals can be very complicated as it not only about how much you eat but also your relationship, attitudes and beliefs towards food and the habits that have been formed. Most of these attitudes and beliefs were formed in childhood and even in the womb.

Everyone knows the detrimental effects of excess weight. It hits in so many places: -

  • health

  • relationships

  • confidence

  • mental wellbeing

  • identity

To achieve real long-term freedom from excess weight requires CHANGE. The use of hypnosis can change your mindset, habits and behaviours around food that have been acquired over a lifetime. The foundations can be put into place that will alter and transform the way you think about food - for good!

Whether your weight gain is new to you, or whether you have battled weight most of your life, hypnosis can change:

  • how you think about food, your mindset and behaviour towards it

  • your habits and portions

  • your choice of food

  • your motivation to exercise

Hypnosis will give you a foundation for a life-changing new relationship with food that will enable you to become the person you want to be.

At 1 Body Therapies, we can tailor a program for you to achieve your weight goals depending on your needs. This could include:

  • A one-off session using hypnosis to get to the core underlying beliefs and attitudes about your weight and food. For example, for some people, excess weight can be about protection due to childhood abuse. For some, it can be about not having enough food as a child or it can be about stuffing down uncomfortable emotions. These sessions are $250 for 2 1/2 hours.

  • Virtual Gastric Band Program. Under hypnosis we convince your body that it has had a gastric band put in place, allowing you to feel fuller quicker and eat less food. My program also spends a session going to the core of underlying beliefs. Included also is a booklet that gives you resources and tools to use on your journey plus 2 hypnosis recordings. The package includes 5 sessions at $650.

  • Hypnofasting program. This program helps to support your choice or the method you would prefer to use to achieve your weight goals, such as fasting with the 5:2 or 16:8 methods or Keto. This involves 3 sessions which include a session looking at core beliefs and 2 hypnosis recordings. The cost of this package is $450  

Call today for a consultation, 0427 249 335